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Y-type filter uses spiral cylinder filter cartridge to separate solids in liquid. The filter body is made of plastic or stainless steel. The screen consists of horizontal pipes with openings arranged in a row at predetermined intervals and installed above or below the tank to separate various substances from the liquid.
The basket filter is a type of sand filter that uses a cylindrical cartridge of synthetic fibers as filter medium. This filter can be installed on the edge of the water tank, or under the water tank. The material used for the basket filter is usually called "polyester felt", which is made from natural, recyclable plastic fibers that are woven together to form a felt-like material with high permeability and high resistance to chemicals. This material is then cut into different shapes and sizes, depending on whether it is used as an adhesive layer in a filter, or as filter media itself.
T-filter is designed to filter large particles in the product without removing any small particles. T-filter has steel, stainless steel and brass / nickel materials for maximum corrosion resistance 。 With Polyester fiber, this filter can handle all types of deposits without clogging. The open bottom design is easy to clean and maintain without worrying about damaging the filter media.